What are FF's plans for 2021?
Let's celebrate forests and foresters who look after them!

Welcome to the Future Foresters newsletter. We have had a large number of new members sign up to our social media and our mailing list via the website. If you have a new forester in your workplace, please encourage them to sign up to FF as our aim is to provide support and community to those new to the industry. We want contractors, workers, researchers, you name it! They’re all foresters in our eyes! Let’s all work towards creating a connected and diverse industry that supports everyone involved! Churr!!
In March, a planning and strategy session was conducted between the FF Exec and the FF Regional Leaders in the FOA boardroom in Wellington. We connected, we brainstormed, we shared updates, and we zoomed into a discussion with the NZIF President. Sal’s pizza kept the energy levels up and the excitement in the air for all things ahead was felt by all.
Just over the horizon there are multiple exciting developments for FF. Although we cannot share just yet, we hope you can trust that we are doing our best to set everything up in a way that will benefit all you fine folk and help solidify FF as an ever-present entity well into the future. You could say that Future Foresters are looking to help secure the future of forestry in NZ!! Churrx2!!
Our goal is to unite the forest sector and provide opportunities for all young foresters out there. We will always serve to promote what we do and love …trees and forests if you needed reminding!
Feeling in need of a little social connection? We certainly do!
That is why we are running a Future Foresters get together in each region to connect with your fellow members. Dependent on your region it will be the 20th or the 21st May.
Have you seen the new 2021 FF Swag?
Please tell your friends to sign up to the mailing list - we have some swag to giveaway!!

To let you in on some background work, we think it’s important to share that we are working incredibly closely with NZIF to formalise our structure and set in place what are transparent and professional succession plans. We want everyone to know how to get involved at whatever level that may be – from local, to regional, to national (and perhaps even international in the future!).
We will release these documents once finalised, but rest assured, they are very nearly ready!
We will keep you posted 😊
The annual NZIF conference to be held in Masterton 27th – 29th June, just opened for registrations.
This is always an awesome event and a great chance to network, gain some more insight and skills, and to mix and mingle with foresters of all kinds. Plus, it means you get to attend the epic quiz night organised by us on the Sunday night!!
Registration can be found here:
FF and the industry NEEDS YOUR HELP
We have a series of careers events coming up that we will need FF, boots on the ground, help with:
10 & 11th May Rotorua
31st May South Waikato
1st June Whakatane High School
22nd June Opotiki College
23rd June Tarawera High School
26th August Taupo
The EXPOS will be open from 10.00am - 2.00pm so get in touch if you’re in the region and can lend a hand for even an hour or two on one of those days! either contact your local Regional Leader or simply email info@futureforesters.comor get in touch via one of our social media channels.
Have you registered for the upcoming Biosecurity Conference on 12th & 13th May?
Protecting and monitoring the health of all of our native and exotic trees is supremely important to our livelihoods as career and recreational foresters -to all New Zealanders!
Come along and learn more about Biosecurity in the forest industry and within NZ.
Registration found here:
Are you aware of the forestry calculators available on the Forest Growers Research website?
The team at Forest Growers Research are reviewing the calculators on their website with an aim is to understand how useful and used they are to industry and identify any gaps or opportunities for more digital support.
To do this they are working with external consultant Claire Stewart who would love the opportunity to speak with people on this topic, particularly those who are working within smaller forest blocks or are farm foresters.
Complete the online survey here

You are invited to join the Celebration of Vivien Edward’s biography of Mary Sutherland
Why you will be interested in the story of Mary Sutherland:
First woman in the world to graduate with a forestry degree (Bangor, North Wales, 1916)
Employed as a professional forester by New Zealand State Forest Service (1923 – 1932)
Botanist, Dominion Museum Wellington, (1933-1946)
Supervisor/superintendent, YWCA hostel at Woburn (Lower Hutt) for young women employed on war work (1943-1946)
First farm forestry officer, NZ Department of Agriculture (1946-1954)
Founding member of NZ Institute of Forestry in 1927, designed official seal (forms basis of today’s logo), served on Council in 1936 and as vice-president 1941-42. Her legacy seeded the NZIF Foundation’s Mary Sutherland Scholarship
Member of NZ Forestry League (elected to Council in 1936)
Member of Botanical section of the Wellington Branch of the Philosophical Society.
Member of NZ Federation of University Women (now Graduate Woman), served on Wellington branch and national committees
Professional forester, botanist and advocate for women’s access to higher education

CONGRATS to the School of Forestry Class of 2020 for graduating. We look forward to getting to know you and for welcoming you into the FF community!
Thanks to YOU.
For your involvement in spreading the word.
For your enthusiasm and passion for forestry.